General Information

Welcome to Budapest!

The Shas Chevra Lubavitch Shul and the Budapest Yeshiva is located in the VI. district, Vasvári Pál utca 5. (off Király utca) in the courtyard (map, WEBSITE). It is two blocks from the King’s Hotel and a 15 minute walk from the Intercontinental Hotel or a 5 minute walk from the Kempinsky and Meridian Hotels.

If you need more information please write to us:


Daf Yomi shiur (Hebrew)

Daf Yomi shiur in Yerushalmi, by Rav Boruch Oberlander, at Shas Chevra Lubavitch Shul (VI., Vasvári Pál utca 5. – map) weekdays at 7.00 AM.


Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat In the winter we start 10 minutes after Candle Lighting, in the summer at 7:30 PM.

Shabbos morning:

– at Shas Chevra Lubavitch Shul (VI., Vasvári Pál utca 5. – map) at 9:15 AM (WEBSITE)

– at the Chabad Óbudai Shul (III. Lajos utca 163. – map) at 10:00 AM (WEBSITE)

– at the Keren Ohr Chabad Israeli Shul (V. Károly körút 20. – map) at 10:00 AM

Weekday minyonim:

Shacharit (daily) at 8.00 AM at the Shas Chevra Lubavitch Shul.

Shacharit (daily) at 8.30 AM at the Keren Ohr Chabad Israeli Shul

Shacharit (Monday-Friday, on workdays) at 6.30 AM at the Chabad Óbudai Shul (III. Lajos utca 163. – map)

Mincha-Maariv (Sunday-Thursday) 15 minutes before sunset at the Keren Ohr Chabad Israeli Shul (map).

There are also other Minyonim.


For a general list (in Hungarian) of Kosher products available in Budapest see here.

In the Jewish area you can found the following Mehadrin restaurants:

Tel Aviv Cafe (VII., Kazincy utca 28., Tel.: [+361] 342-0231) Milchige Cholov Yisrael restaurant. Has also fresh kosher pizza, bread and other milk products. Daily: 8:30-20:30.

Cafe Tamar (VII., Nagy Diófa utca 3., Facebook) Milchige Cholov Yisrael restaurant. Daily: 8:30-22:00.

Carmel Restaurant (VII., Kazincy utca 31., Tel. [+361] 322-1834, Website) Fleishige Besari reastaurant. You can also order meals in advance for Shabbos.

Meatup (VII., Nagy Diófa utca 6., Tel. +3620-388-5453, Website) Fleishige Besari fastfood. Daily (Sunday-Thursday): 13:00-21:30.

All of the above premises are certified Mehadrin Kosher by the Beth Din Tzedek of the Chareidi Communities of Budapest, Rav Boruch Oberlander Av Beth Din.


You could stay at the following Hotels in the Jewish area:

Silver Crown Hotel (VIII., Szentkirályi utca 4., +36-30-578-0160, email) [The Hotel is not kosher.]

Hotel Memories (VII., Wesselényi utca 4., Tel.: [+36-30] 597-6519, email)

Queen’s Court Hotel & Residence (VII., Dob utca 63., Tel.: [+36-1] 882-3003, email)

King’s Hotel (VII., Nagydiófa utca 25-27., Tel.: [+36-1] 352-7675, email). [under construction] [The Hotel is not kosher.]

The above mentioned hotels are all in the Jewish area and have keys for Shabbos. [Not all rooms in Hotel Memories are good for Shabbos, so make sure to ask for them in advance.]

There is also a Youth Hostel: Marco Polo (VII., Nyar utca 6.) Tel.: [+361] 413-2555. Prices range between $15 and $30 per bed. All of the above are very close to our Shul and Yeshiva.


There is a kosher supermarket which sells lots of products: milk, cheese, crackers, salads and more. It is located on VII., Dohány utca 36. and  called Kosher Market  (Tel: [+36-1] 615-9606, email), and is open every weekday. At the above shops employees speak English and basic Hebrew.


Any woman that needs to use the Mikvah should order it one day in advance by Rebbetzin Batsheva Oberlander 06-20-9615-419. [If you are calling from out of the country: +36-20-9615-419.] You can also email her here. The beautiful new Mikvah was built in 2005 by Chabad Lubavitch with the generous donations of Reb Avraham Borech Godinger and Reb Wolf Lefkowits from New York.


From the airport there is a Airport Minibus that for $7-8 takes you to any address in Budapest.


For a professional tour guide you may want to contact:

– Ms. Kata Nádas, mobile from abroad: 06 (20) 400-6750 [if you are calling from out of the country: +36 (20) 400-6750], email.

– Mr. Gavriel Shamma, mobile from abroad: 06 (30) 743-8989 [if you are calling from out of the country: +36 (30) 743-8989], email.


Click here to donate online, your donation is greatly appreciated and is tax-deductible in the U.S.A.!

Mailing address in the United States:

LUBAVITCH OF HUNGARY 531 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11213

Our bank account information is:

Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation / Egységes Magyarországi Izraelita Hitközség Address: 1052 Budapest, Karoly krt. 20, Hungary Name of bank: KDB Magyarország Bank address: 1052 Budapest, Piarista koz 1, Hungary USD account: IBAN: HU18 1359 7539 1230 2010 0003 1407 HUF account. IBAN: HU94 1359 7539 1230 2010 0003 1397 Swift: KODBHUHB


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